Basic Usage ~~~~~~~~~~~ Generating synthetic data sets with ``repliclust`` is based on data set *archetypes*. You use an ``Archetype`` object to encode your preferences for the overall geometry of your synthetic data sets. After specifying the desired archetype, you define a ``DataGenerator`` object based on your desired archetype(s). You can then generate synthetic data sets on command. We run through a simple example below. After importing ``repliclust``, we define an archetype `archetype_oblong` to create synthetic data with oblong clusters. In defining the archetype, we set a few basic attributes: the number of clusters (5), the dimensionality (2), and the total number of samples (1000). To make the archetype oblong, we set ``aspect_ref=3``, which gives the typical cluster an aspect ratio of three. The choice ``aspect_maxmin=1.5`` creates some variability in the cluster aspect ratio, making some clusters a bit more oblong than others. .. code-block:: python from repliclust import Archetype, DataGenerator archetype_oblong = Archetype(n_clusters=5, dim=2, n_samples=500, aspect_ref=3, aspect_maxmin=1.5, name="oblong") data_generator = DataGenerator(archetype=archetype_oblong) After defining the `data_generator` based on `archetype_oblong`, we can immediately start generating synthetic data sets with oblong clusters. One way to do this is by calling the method :py:meth:`synthesize() `. The output of this method is a tuple `(X, y, archetype)`, where `X` is the dataset, `y` are the cluster labels, and `archetype` is the archetype. (If we had not specified the name as “oblong”, ``repliclust`` would have automatically assigned a default name such as “archetype0”.) The simulation below shows how to generate synthetic data based on our current setup. Before running the code below, first run the code above to define the archetype and data generator. .. code-block:: python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from repliclust import set_seed set_seed(0) X, y, archetype = data_generator.synthesize() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,6), dpi=150) ax.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], c=y, s=15, alpha=0.5, linewidth=1.0) plt.title("Synthetic Data from Archetype '" + + "'") plt.xlabel('X1') plt.ylabel('X2').set_rotation(0) plt.axis('equal'); The function :py:func:`set_seed() ` sets a random seed to make data generation reproducible. .. image:: user_guide_img/1.svg The scatter plot above confirms that the clusters in our synthetic dataset are indeed oblong. We discuss how to customize archetypes in section :ref:`Specifying an Archetype `.